Wednesday, August 1, 2012

We the People

I don't write on politics or religion.   However . . . this has been bothering me and I think it is so so wrong.  So, I am breaking my rule . . . just for today :)

Since when have we become a country where we, the people, are told by politicians what our opinions and views should be??   And heaven forbid we have differing views or opinions on issues - -  we are vilified and hung on the nearest hanging tree, so to speak.   When did this happen? 

Since when can a mayor of a large city threaten an upstanding business by saying their "values are not our (the city's) values"?   When did it become okay for a city council speaker to demand that a university evict an upstanding business because, again, their values are not hers?    I say NEVER!

You all know what I'm talking about.   Chick Fil A.   I am for traditional marriage.  Man and a woman.   That is what I believe and I will not apologize for it to anyone.   Does that make me anti-gay?   OF COURSE NOT!!!!    And does that make you better than me???   OF COURSE NOT!!!!   Does that make me better than you???  OF COURSE NOT!!!!

I applaud anyone who stands up for what they believe in.   And does it in a respectful, nonthreatening way.  I am proud to live in a free land where we can do that.  I am grateful to the people who fought and still fight to make this land free and great.   I am saddened and ashamed of people who forget that this country is a land of free speech for all - - not just for those who have the same opinions as they do.

We need to do better.  We need to be better.


  1. I agree. We've become so hateful and threatened by everything. Luckily, I've seen a lot of support for Chick-fil-a, so I think that is good.

    1. It just happens to be Chick-fil-a this time. Next time it will be something or someone else. Sad.

  2. I don't write on politics or religion either, so I will not comment.. especially so since I have no clue as to what you are talking about ! :)

  3. It really has gotten out of control! One more reason why my main source of news these days in the Daily Show. I am more informed than ever, but am being served information with a side order of laughter...thank goodness!

    1. Is that Jon Stewart? Not much of a fan, but it is fun to laugh!!

  4. I totally agree with you Judy and I'm the mom of a gay son. It amazes me the things a politician will take a stand on, wasting precious air time and other resources that would be best spent on other much more important issues, such as, I don't know.. Education, jobs, getting people off the streets, foreign affairs.. Ugh. This list is endless. And just for the record. I've never been to a Chick fil a, haven't even seen one around here. I'm guessing its a chicken joint?? - Good post.

    1. MiMi, it does seem like a really big waste of time, doesn't it? Something that should have never become an issue. I've never been to a Chick fil a either, but it's a chicken joint, yup.

  5. I think the media and politicians need something to run with. Why shouldn't it be something of great importance? Like education budget cuts or children in our country going hungry? NOOO...thats not exciting enough. Whatever your views, opinions are Chik Fil A should not be breaking news.

    1. unless, of course, someone finds a used bandaid or something in one of their sandwiches, THEN maybe that might be news! haha.

  6. All different and all together...that's the way it should be.

  7. I stand behind Chick-Fil-A 100%. They have every right to their own opinion. Voicing your own opinion does NOT promote hate.

  8. I believe that anyone should be able to marry and one of the most magical weddings I ever attended in my life was my dear friend Donnie to his beloved, Mike, in San Francisco, 4 years ago. I am pretty sick of the stuff on my Facebook newsfeed...both sides...and all the bashing. Whatever, you know? Everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

    1. And I think that's the point - - everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be able to express it without being hated or maligned.

  9. I think all are entitled to their personal opinion, and should have the right to express that whenever they wish....but they have to realize when it is not an opinion shared by all there will be people protesting it. He started all this, by sharing something that is personal, not business, so here we have it.

    As for needing rights and being gay. I am gay, married to an American living here in my home country, Canada. Here, if I were in a terrible accident she could come into the ICU and be by my side, there she could not. Here, if she were arrested for traffic tickets, I could go see her and make a plan for bail, there I would not be considered next of kin and would not be allowed to see her. Here, if our child is sick at school and needs to come home, she can pick him up, there we would have to sign some document giving her permission to be his parent. We live in Canada because here we have equal rights, same as every single tax paying adult in this country. We would love to live there, simple because the work is more plentiful but will never be able to live as a family as we do not have the right to.

    I am gay, made by God himself, and I am not equal. Very sad!!!

    1. I'm not sure how it all started with the chick fil-a thing, but I don't think the gay issue is even the real issue here. I think it's being able to express your opinion on ANYTHING without being threatened and harassed and made to feel less of a person than those without your opinions.

      And, by the way, I am all for equal rights for EVERYBODY because we ARE all equal - - I'm just not for changing the definition of traditional marriage.

    2. Judy - what if marriage became a civil contract for all couples and then couple who wanted to go with a traditional (read: male/female and possibly religious blessing) could do that? Would you be comfortable with that?

    3. At the risk of offending, I don't think the definition of marriage should be changed in any way. So I guess to answer your question - no I wouldn't be comfortable with all marriages being turned into civil contracts.

  10. Totally agree with what you said. No one in political office should be able to ban a food chain based on "personal bias or dislike" of the owner. That is just shameful. And whoever said that it is Chick-Fil-A today is right, but it will be someone else tomorrow is also right. If this behavior is allowed to stand unreproached... Good on you for speaking out.

    1. And it's not about the opinion, it's about not being able to EXPRESS that opinion without being jumped on.

  11. I blogged about this a few days ago. It felt good to get it off my chest.

    1. I'll go back and read it - but it did feel good to speak up :)

  12. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mine might not be the same as theirs, but that's okay. I'm not going to boycott Chik-fil-A or give undying support based on what has been said because what they have done is just a freedom we have here. We all have that freedom, that right! I liked your post, Judy!

    1. Exactly - it's a freedom! Thanks Michelle.

  13. I agree with your posting and wonder myself. :/ The Chik Fil A here had a bomb threat yesterday. :( I think slowly our freedom is speech is being zapped away. Great posting enjoyed reading!

  14. I completely agree. You said it best in your last two lines.

  15. Your post made me think of the youth theme for this year- "Arise and shine forth." Sometimes it's hard to stand up when we know others will disagree. (and when we don't want to offend our readers!)

    What's kind of funny is that what that politician did was bring Chik-fil-A's owners' beliefs into the news. And, it brought about a huge day of support for them. If he'd said nothing, most of us wouldn't even know about it.

    1. I have always had a hard time with that - - not wanting to offend people. And then I realized that you can express your opinions and stand up for your beliefs in a nonoffending way. If people are still offended, then too bad. After all these years I finally get it - - standing up for what you believe IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!
