Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Remember Me To Herald Square

I'm alive.   In case any of you were wondering, that is.  I always wonder when I haven't heard from you guys in a few days . . . I miss you.  

So, although I am alive and well, I am also alive and well and tired and brain dead.  Therefore, I have nothing very interesting to say today.  I did have an interesting dream last night, though.   I was rehearsing for a Broadway musical.   No, I don't sing, but I did in my dream.   And I sang well enough to be on Broadway.  

So, I think I will retire to my dressing room and wait for someone to come and do my hair and my makeup and tell me how wonderful I am.    No, wait.   That was just a dream.   Instead, I think I will turn off my computer and get ready to leave this basement office and go home where I can do laundry and make dinner and maybe watch a little reality TV :)  

So, good-bye and, as George M. Cohan said, give my regards to old Broadway.


  1. I've missed you. I was actually over here earlier today to see if maybe I had missed a post. (: I hope you are enjoying your summer!

    1. Larissa!!! Are you in Brazil??!! Hope YOU are having an awesome summer!

  2. You're on in five, Miss Minnelli. lol

  3. ha! must have been a night for dreams...everyone at the breakfast table had wacko dreams last night...not about broadway though..
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

    1. Thanks for stopping by - I am as of now your newest follower :)

  4. Oh how I love references to any musical, old or young. Now I want to go rent Yankee Doodle Dandy. Glad you're back!

    1. Thanks Marianne! Maybe tonight you can co-star in my dream and we'll do another Broadway musical - yes??!

  5. If only life were like a musical. I think things in the world would dramatically improve if only everything stopped every once in a while and everyone started singing and dancing.

    1. We should all just pick a day and time and stop and sing and dance . . . wherever we are! We could start a movement!

  6. I'm sure you sing as well as some of the actors on Broadway. At least the aliens didn't steal all your dreams.

    1. I think the aliens have headed back to wherever they came from!

  7. That is so odd. I was singing in my dreams last night as well. Must be something in the atmosphere eh?

  8. Thanks Judy, Sitting here wondering if my husband will get the job he went for in NYC. We so need to move and he so needs this job. So, sitting here praying, over analyzing and begging for a sign then ... VOILA! Your post! Hmmm..could it be a sign? I will say yes, so I can feel better for the moment. I will give your regards to broadway!

    1. It MUST be a sign! I will pray that all will turn out the way it should for you and your family! HEY! If you move to NYC, you should totally open up your own decorating shop -- you'd be fantastic!!!

  9. was indeed wondering
    glad you are back
    broadway star or not, that is not all that important anyway
