Thursday, May 3, 2012

No, I Really DO Need That Chocolate Milk

Finally!   Something good exciting happened (as opposed to bad exciting).   After all this weird stuff and dumb criminals and all, it's about time that something happy occurred. 

In case I've never told you, I hate going to the grocery store.  I hate grocery shopping.   I like eating.  I just hate shopping.   But, in spite of my hatred of all things grocery (well, except for the actual food), I stopped at Albertson's after work yesterday to pick up a few things.  You know, the "few" things that usually turn into a "bunch" of things.   I need milk, but that chocolate milk looks good too - and it's on sale!   I need tomato sauce, but I just can't live without those cookies at the end of the aisle - and they'd go so well with the chocolate milk that I don't need but I'm getting anyway.  It goes like that sometimes, doesn't it?  

So, I am checking out and things are adding up to more than the "few" things that I had planned on.  But, wait!  I have my $5 rewards certificate!    So, I hand that to the cashier, and she swipes it and off comes $5.   And then she swipes it again . . . and off comes another $5.   And then she swipes it again . . .and off comes another $5!   I had not one, not two, but THREE $5 off rewards on that certificate!   So, my "few" things cost me $4.94!  

And that was exciting!   It really doesn't take much to make me happy :)


  1. WOW on the couponing bargain :) I clip coupons sometimes. Sounds like I need to do that more often (btw I hate grocery stores too)

    1. GG, I'm too lazy to clip coupons. This is done automatically :)

  2. Obviously the chocolate milk and cookies were meant to be!!! ;-)

  3. I hate shopping, too. But, something like that might make me like it more.

    1. It's tempting just to live off food storage so I never have to shop again :)

  4. I think I would have gone back for more cookies. You know, with the money you saved.

    1. With the money I "saved," I bought my daughter Carrie Underwood's new CD :)

  5. That IS happy exciting and definitely worth talking about.

    1. Not as exciting as strange men in your home, but . . . :)

  6. Replies
    1. Me too! Just need more of those good things!

  7. Oh I love it when things like that happen. That would definitely have made me a happy bunny.

  8. I LOVE when things like that happen. It's a good day!

    1. You and me both, Jennifer! How's the house coming??!

  9. That's so exciting! I would've embarrassed myself and done a happy dance right then and there!

  10. SWEET!!! What a great savings!

  11. All that and chocolate milk too? Awesome!!

  12. I love it when that happens!!! Gotta' love those rewards! :) Yay you! I like using the gas coupons too!
