Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just A Little Thought

Here's just a little thought from me to you.   I was sitting here kind of feeling like "poops" (thanks for the word, Michelle).  Feeling kind of sad.   And someone within my little blogging family said something that made me feel better.   And it occurred to me what power we have to uplift those around us.   The power of a simple word or phrase, whether written in a blog or spoken face-to-face, can do so much to build each other up.  And because of that power, we have a great responsibility to use it to do good, rather than the thoughtless words that can deflate instead of inspire.   

So, thank you to my blogging friends who daily inflate me, so to speak, with your words!     


  1. Amen! It may be a little thought, but a powerful one. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  2. What a lovely thought. Thank you for sharing and inflating, so to speak, us.

  3. Thank you for this lovely post. That my new friend is what YOU do for me! So..Thank You! And thank you also for making me walk around all night before bed las night singing in my head "ding dong the witch is dead..the wicked witch is dead" Ha! Funny.

  4. I couldn't agree more.. One of the reasons I love coming to your blog so often.. Thank YOU.. ;)

  5. Absolutely. I never bought into that old saying about how sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Yes, words CAN hurt ... and they can also heal and spread joy. You're right; we have a responsibility to pay attention to the power of our words. Great post.

  6. Words are powerful, aren't they? I'm trying to use mine for good instead of evil!

  7. Very true and very encouraging. I believe most of us are in this to be encouraging and positive.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  8. So very true. We just never know when we can lighten someone's load.

  9. Your little thought shines a light in the darkness my friend. Know the blessings we are to each other- even here is cyber space is real. ((*)) (hugs)

  10. Every comment I read from you, always makes me smile :)
