Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Freak out

These double word verifications are freaking me out.


  1. I just made a similar comment on Tangled Lou's site, but I'm up for the challenge. Your thought is well-substantiated, none-the-less.

  2. What is weirder is I turned WV off on my blog except for posts over 14 days old .. and yet a friend told me last nite that it took her 3 tries to get past WV .. so I tested it and I dont have WV on ... bizarre ...

  3. Check it out, Judy. I have some practical advice which helped me. I address those challenging word verifications, the way I address night vision. Do not stare directly at the word, but rather, just a tad above it, to borrow Tangled Lou's Periphery technique. I found it much easier to see the letters through periphery vision.

  4. This made me laugh! I needed that- thank you! :-)

  5. I agree, they are unreadable and a pain. It can sometimes keep my comment off, if I fail too many times.

  6. Erg. Me, too. And I was just over at Mark's where I got not two words but one word and a sequence of numbers with a DASH in it. Come on! Why does the Internet hate me so much? ;)

    1. I just have to say that my word verification for the above comment (and, as Dave Barry would say, I am not making this up) was "Sunshine!" [exclamation point theirs](and "locedti," but that's not the relevant part. Apparently the Internet has quite a sense of humor.
