Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Paranormal? You Be The Judge

Weirdness. My husband and I ride home from work together everyday. When we pull into the driveway our dog Izzy always greets us at the back gate, barking her excited welcome home. Then she runs in the house through her doggy door and meets us at the front door where she jumps and twirls and barks and jumps and twirls some more. I truly believe that when we leave in the morning she thinks we won't come back. So when we DO come back she is thrilled and so relieved! This happens every single day. Except today. Today we pulled into the driveway and Izzy wasn't there. I was surprised but not worried. I could hear a faint bark but when we opened the front door - no Izzy. It was dark except for the light we leave on by the front door. I stepped in and could hear something. I followed the sound and found Izzy standing on our dining room table! She was afraid and shaking and so so happy to see us! I don't know how she got up there. She's little and I think she was afraid to jump down. I don't know how long she was standing on the table before we got home. For hours now she's been looking over towards the dining room and barking - as if she sees a stranger - unseen by me and my husband. Maybe I watch too much Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures, but it's really making me wonder. How DID she get on that table? And WHO is she really barking at?


  1. Is there music from the Twilight Zone playing? And have you or your husband checked the house. This feels so weird. Hope Izzy is okay. Will probably want to sleep with you tonight. :)

  2. She always sleeps with us, Collie - who would have thought from a girl who used to want nothing to do with dogs!

    Freaky is the perfect word, Michelle :)

  3. What a strange series of events. What caught my attention was the "girl who used to want nothing to do with dogs…" That's me, (not the girl part) to the extent that in SoCal, dogs belonged outside. Now, our bulldog allows Annie and me small slivers of the bed respectively, as he stakes out his spot, and snores up a storm. We are owned by a bulldog.

  4. I'd be heading out to get some herbs (sage, I believe) to burn and make the bad spirit go away ..

  5. Oh my! How eerie.
    Poor Izzy, she'll be back to her old self soon, I hope.

  6. Dogs are highly sensitive. I'm on the side of something happened or is going to happen. You guys ever get earthquakes where you are?

  7. sebtown - no, we don't get earthquakes here . . . but it was so weird - she has never ever done anything like that before - get on the table. It could be a first, but I don't know . . . it's just really really strange. But I really believe that she sees things that we don't. Of that I am confident :)

  8. My first thought was mouse or snake and jumping on a chair to get onto the table - then realizing she couldn't get down! I know... boring, but I'd have turned that dining room inside out! (Then maybe settled on "ghost..." so really you just saved yourself that step!)

  9. This reminds me of a Dean Koontz novel where a dog had telekinesis -is that the right word? He could disappear and reappear in weird places, like on top of a cupboard or table. I'd be so freaked out by this.

  10. This vaguely reminds me of when Son-One was a little over a year old. He would often sit in the corner of the kitchen in our tiny apartment talking intently to someone or something we could not see. No toys in his hand, nothing, just staring off into the distance, clearing conversing with someone silent and invisible to us. Eeerie.

    Now, if he had suddenly been on top of the dining room table, I would've really freaked out. ;)
