Friday, November 8, 2013

And Now I Matter

They found me!  After all these years, they finally found me!  And now I matter.

The Nielsen people hunted me down and want to know what I watch on TV!   I'm important!  However . . . I thought they'd send me one of these - - 
but they sent me this instead - -
three of them, one for each TV in the house.  AND they sent two crisp dollar bills (I'm not sure why - maybe to compensate for not sending one of those boxes).   Anyway, I write down everything in the diaries that we watch for one week, and then they send me 75 more of those bad boys (the crisp dollar bills, that is).

The diary is a bit confusing.  I need to put X's and lines and TV channels, and names of shows, and which TV, and who is watching.   Not to mention the whole DVR thing . . . do I mark when I watch it or when it was recorded?  Or both?  What about about commercials?  We are not a commercial-watching household.  When a commercial comes on, the channel gets changed.  And then changed back.  About a zillion times a day.   And yes, there are directions.   But I am not a very good direction-reader OR follower.  I get confused easily.

But, I will do my best to represent.  I will record every single reality TV show that I watch and every single Hallmark Christmas movie.  I may skip the commercial turning thing, though.

And, at the end of it all, I will have 75 crisp dollar bills . . . and I will have mattered.


  1. I just mailed in my thing from Nielsen's yesterday morning. I will be waiting to see if the $75 actually comes to pass. LOL

    1. You matter too, Beth! lol. I am hopeful that since Nielsen is such a well known and respected group that they will make good on the $75!

  2. Damn, I want to matter! Actually that sounds like a pain in the will be earning that $75.

    1. I think I will matter no matter what . . . but to matter AND get $75 . . . how could I pass it up?!

  3. I would love to do that but only if I'm alone. Like in your house, I have a compulsive channel-changer. Woe is me if I'm in the kitchen listening to what he's watching and he changes the channel, thus new dialogue and I go, 'what in the heck are they talking about?" only for him to say, 'oh I changed the channel.'

    My mom worked for AC Nielsen in the late 40s/early 50s, as a chartist in NYC. Since this predated the TV age, I assume it was for radio programming.

    1. They even want to know what "visitors" watch at your house! I bet that was a fun job for your mother!

  4. This sounds like a bit of work but for $75 you bet I would do it! I'm glad there is no similar survey for computer/Internet use... that would take quite a few more pages for me to record I'm afraid! :-)

    1. It's a bit of a nuisance, but it's only one week :)

  5. I want to matter!!! How do those Nielsen people decide who matters????

  6. Wow, that's awesome Judy! I never really knew who got to decide those ratings but I'm so glad you're one of the people who do. Could you just completely and totally x out anything to have to do the Kardashians and Honey Boo Boo please????

  7. I've always wanted to be a Neilsen family. So jealous!!

  8. Oh cool!! I didn't think it would have so many directions though. I'd totally fail at that!
