Thursday, November 3, 2011

Live Friends and Dead Ghosts

After 30 years, I have reconnected with a friend through facebook.   We shared an awesome spiritual experience many years ago, and it's been fun to get to know her a little . . . now that we're all grown up!  

And . . . she blogs AND shares my interest in the paranormal (or at least doesn't think I'm a total weirdo!).  She lives in Pennsylvania and told me recently that there is a haunted old state mental hospital near her hometown.   Hmmmm.    So, I did a little googling and found that there is more than one haunted state mental hospital in the great state of PA.   Old Torrance State Mental Hospital, Polk Mental Hopsital, Byberry Mental Hospital . . . and the infamous Pennhurst State Hospital.    PLUS . . . Eastern State Penitentiary, which I really really really want to visit someday.   I kind of wanted to go with Zac and the guys from Ghost Adventures, but they did their investigation without me.   Oh well.  Their loss. 

But maybe when we're done with Olalla, we'll have to hit Pennsylvania!   Do some ghost hunting and some catching up!



  1. I think you should do a cross country ghost trip. Or maybe do shorter road trips each year that cover a few states until you've done all 50. PA could be part of the "East Coast Crazy Dead People" trip :)

  2. My boss is a bicyclist and when he turned 50 he did 50 miles in 50 states. Maybe I'll have to come up with a similar ghost hunting thing :)
