Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Oh Crud!   Here they come!   No, they're still three houses away.   Hurry!   Turn out the lights!   Close the curtains!   Turn off the TV!    What?    I KNOW it's  the Final Four, but do you want them to think we're home?!  Okay fine.  Just mute it then, but make sure they can't see the TV through the cracks in the curtains!   Oh!  What if they saw the pizza man leave?!   They'll know we're here for sure.  Nothing we can do about that.   Just cross your fingers they weren't paying attention.  Oh, and the dog!   Shut her up!   No, wait!  Let her bark . . .  that might convince them we're not here.   Man!   They're almost at the front door!    Ssssh!!   Quick!   Get down!   Ouch!!   Get off  my head!     I think I'm bleeding!    You're so dramatic!!     Ssssh!

Mom?  Dad?  Anybody home?     Oh, there you are.  What are you doing on the floor behind the couch?    Did you lose something?
Oh Crud!   We forgot the kids had keys.   


  1. Hahahahahahahahaha! Omgosh.. Having moved 2000 miles away from my kids I so get this, in a totally loving sort of way of course. :)

  2. LOL!!!! I thought perhaps you had pushy neighbours!! I was disappointed that Gonzaga didn't advance. Not that I follow b-ball, but you know, from WA and all....

    1. I'm a Gonzaga fan, my husband not so much. So I was sad while he did his version of a happy dance - I would have been a better winner :)

  3. Yikes. Good thing you didn't hide in the closet. How would you have explained that away???

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well this is funny and I get it. When DD2 comes by to do laundry on Wednesday, It always messes my TV because she wants to talk. Why do they think what they say is more important than The Middle and Modern Family? Crud!
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  6. Haha! I love this!

    Happy Wednesday. ☺

  7. So very happy that you're doing the A-Z challenge. Loved the A post, the B post and this one. You are NOT boring and I'll never stop following you.

    1. So very happy for you!!! Wish I could be there May 9 :)

  8. Nah, I'd never hide from my kids. Alone time with hubby doesn't suffer from not hiding either.

  9. Good luck Syracuse, unless you end up playing Louisville :)

  10. Thanks for leaving your comment about Catalina. I may not have found this delightful post. I will never give my kids a key to the house.

  11. March Madness too? After telling me that college football is much more exciting than pro ball, now I find out you are a college basketball fan too! I have never watched a basketball game on TV in my life. Oh well, tonight Timmy goes against the Dodgers. Win or lose, it's awfully fun. Sweet post, Judy!

    1. College football is my first love :) we just bought our opening day to tix to the Walla Walla Sweets - our local semi pro baseball team! And I have to say this, Mark - go Dodgers!

    2. I will support your right to say "Go Dodgers!" till the cows come in. That's what it's all about. If we can't have fun joshing each other about our favorite teams, then why play them in the first place?

  12. That is hilarious. And that's exactly why you take the keys away when they move out!

  13. Very funny. I've been known to ignore lots of knocks on my door.

    1. Sometimes you just don't want to be bothered :)

  14. I don't ever answer the door, ever. LOL That is too funny. When my kids are old enough to come visit, they will both have keys and be welcome anytime because they are my kids.Other that is a different story. I always had keys to my dad's house and one day when I couldn't get a hold of him I went over to his house and found him on the floor. He was on the floor. He had a stroke. He was glad I came and found him and that I had a key.


    1. All our children have keys and ARE welcome anytime :) So glad your dad was ok and that he had you looking out for him.

  15. LOL! You should have barricaded the door if you wanted to keep them out.

    1. Crud! I didn't think of that! You're so smart, Kellie :)

  16. My sisters learned a lesson in showing up at the old homestead was so traumatic we never stop by our parent's home without calling first! That's all I have to say about that.

  17. As someone whose nest has only recently become officially (though not actually, if you know what I mean) empty, I can totally identify with this post. :)

    1. Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean! Our nest is also empty - sort of :)

  18. Aw, hell...I try to hide from my kids now, and they all live with me! So, doesn't work. :)
