Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Busy At Work

Okay, I'm kind of busy at work today, so I am re-posting from last April (A-Z Challenge).  My theme was food.   And we're on the letter "M" - - - :)

Mickey. Yes, you heard me right. Mickey. I know what you're thinking. "What kind of food is a mickey?" Well, no kind of food that I know of. We've heard of people who "slip a mickey" to someone, but that has more to do with a beverage than with food. Nobody I know would ever slip anybody a mickey, even though most everyone I know drinks beverages (you know, like lemonade). But I definitely don't hang out with "slip a mickey" creeps.

So, what does Mickey have to do with food? Let me tell you. Do you remember your childhood ice cream truck? It would drive through the neighborhood in the summertime and before you ever saw the truck you would hear its music? "Everybody. SHUT. UP. Do you hear it?? Is that the ice cream man?!!!" Then mayhem as everybody dropped their bats and balls (what can I say, I was a tomboy) and ran to their houses to look for change. The music, which sounded like carnival music, got louder and louder as the truck got closer and closer. And you practically had a heart attack thinking it would pass you by while you were still ripping the couch apart looking for those coveted quarters. Good times!

Because of the carnival music, you almost expected the ice cream truck to be driven by a bear twirling a baton and wearing a tutu. The ice cream truck that came through my neighborhood, however, was not driven by a bear. It was driven by an old gray haired little man named . . . Mickey. There. Now you know. Mickey, the ice cream man. He was a sweet old guy who for some reason took a special liking to me. I know what you're thinking. But this was back in the "Leave it to Beaver" days, not the "Criminal Minds" days, so it wasn't weird or creepy. He was just a kind hearted old man who brought us kids the most delicous fudgesicles and strawberry shortcake ice cream on a stick. And, yes, occasionally he would bring me a gift, which, I guess now that I think about it, could have been misconstrued as creepy. But it wasn't. It was sweet.

And that's my "M" - Mickey the ice cream man.


  1. Holy cow you made me panic with a-z talk. I thought oh my gosh, I thought it started in April, then oh my gosh it's march already, then oh my gosh everything is going to okay!

    1. I'm starting to get a little panicky too, Andrea! I have NO idea what I'm going to do. But everything WILL be okay!

  2. Replies
    1. Maybe in hindsight, but not to a little girl :)

  3. We had an ice cream truck in my neighbourhood in WA but the guy literally flew through it. You'd never be able to get ice cream from him. There's one that goes thru my 'hood here too, much slower thankfully (and btw I now have Turkey in the Straw stuck in my head), but he's a guy in his 30s and he likes to leer at the little girls. We were keeping an eye on 2 girls last summer as they showed off on their skateboards for him as he leaned out the window of the truck, looking at their chest region. How I long for the innocence of the 60s and 70s....

    1. Now THAT is creepy. My Mickey of old was a sweet old man who just loved children (I think).

  4. That brings back memories to me of a 5 cent ice cream bar.

  5. I do see how what you described could have happened. It was a different era, with little or no point of reference to creepiness. Thanks, Judy!

  6. It was always so much fun to hear the ice cream truck come down the street. I don't think it was quite the same experience for my kids.

  7. I'm seriously considering the A-Z challenge, but I haven't signed up yet. lol

    1. Oh you should do it!!! It was so much fun last year.

  8. the ice cream truck now sells only packaged frozen treats...the kids do not even believe me when I tell them I used to get soft serve with sprinkles.

  9. I have bad memories when it comes to icecream trucks. By the time I found my dad's wallet and ran out the door.. it was gone.. :(

  10. Ah, the ice cream man. Or as we called ours, "the local child molestor." Memories....

  11. We had creepy ice cream men. :( Or maybe we just thought he was creepy. After someone tried to abduct my little sister out of the drive way everyone was creepy. :/
