Thursday, May 10, 2012

Flip Flops

Yesterday when I was listening to the radio and heard the President say he is now for same sex marriage, I started to think of flip flops.   Like the ones you wear on your feet.  Like I see so many women and girls wearing.   Of course, when I was young we used to call them thongs.   That word brings a whole different visual these days.  My husband made the innocent mistake of mentioning my daughter's thongs (he meaning flip flops but still stuck in the 70s, and she thinking the more modern use of the word).  She was horrified that her FATHER would say that to her!    And he bewildered why she was so upset.   Needless to say, we straightened that out right away.  (By the way, no thongs in our house, just flip flops.)

Anyway, I wish I had pretty feet, and toes that didn't look like turnips, so that I could comfortably and self-confidently wear flip flops :)  But even then, I don't like the feel of the strap between my toes, so maybe I wouldn't wear them afterall. 

But still . . . it would be nice to have pretty feet :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All of us Brown girls have sausage toes, so what. Wear whatever on your feet you want to. I have seen a lot worse looking toes than ours (on that Hobbit at the grocery store, for instance)

  3. Sorry about the delete...typo...
    It would be nice to have pretty feet wouldn't it?

  4. I finally succumbed and bought a pair of flip flops the other day, b/c the beaches here are so rocky. It was a point of teenage pride, as a resident, to walk across them confidently while the tourists picked their way with many 'ouch!' exclamations. Now that I'm in my late 40s, I find I can't keep my balance and those dang rocks HURT!

  5. My hubby says I have finger toes. Nice..huh? Funny post. You always lighten up my day.

  6. I love your analogy with flip flops and Mr. Omaha. Living in the San Diego area close to the beach, flip flops are a way of life here, for others, not so much me. I have a pair I wear while out and about at times, but most of the time I stick with comfort over fashion.

    very cute post! enjoy the day!


  7. who looks at feet.. I know some do..
    it is more important and rewarding that the rest of your body is pretty, don't you agree?

  8. Loved this posting especially the word analogy of the word Thong- then and now. :)

  9. I was once told that I have really really long toes. I couldn't care less. I wear Havaianas all summer long. My excuse is, "It's a Brazilian thing."

  10. I have beautiful feet. That's what I keep telling everyone, anyway. Turnips have their own beauty, no? Sadly, I find both flip flops and thongs uncomfortable.
    This made me giggle so much, though.

  11. i love flipflips, i call them thongs .. and when someone hasnt put forth an opinion i dont think that actually expressing an opinion, an opinion that is based on consideration of all sides of an issue, that is not flip-flopping .. it can be referred to as an intelligent way to come to a belief or decision

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Daryl, I don't know what you're talking about - this post was about flip flops :)

  12. My family often say, my feet look like hands...

  13. I enjoyed reading this post.

  14. I live in Florida, so I wear flip-flops ALL the time. If I have to put shoes on...UGH. I don't have sausage feet, so that helps. :-) To Daryl, Obama's opinions on this issue HAVE been recorded and they have changed back and forth over the years. That's why it looks like a flip-flip, not a thong. :-)

  15. I used to hate flip flops, I couldn't stand the thing between the toes, and to tell you the truth many tried to convince me to give it a on the wild side if you will. I gave it careful consideration, and after some soul searching and talking to my family I decided, what the heck, I will give it them a try. Well if they aren't the most comfortable footwear out there. I love all kinds of shoes, but now I totally support the wearing of flip flops!! :)

  16. OMG the flip flop compare is quite funny I love it!!
    Now I am a flops girl but it is tricky they can't be cheap ones cuz the thingy between the toes will hurt so my flops have to be good and broke in and last more then one season. Thanks for the kind words on my post today :))

  17. That's a pretty flip-flop picture. I'm not a flip flop person either. I prefer sandals without that thing between the toes.

  18. Political commentary aside :-) I LOVE flip flops. Right now my feet are so gross though from the hand, foot, mouth I had last week, but once they are healed...totally rocking some flip flops :-)

  19. What kind of job can I find where I could wear flip flops to work? This is the question that keeps me up at night. I own one pair at a time and wear them until they fall apart. My flip flops are a part of me:)

  20. I wear flip flops all year long, like a less warm pair of slippers! It took me a long time to stop calling them thongs, but my kids screaming every time I said the wrong word did help quite a bit!

  21. My nieces had to inform me why they aren't called thongs. What. Ever. I didn't wear flip flops for for a long time because of the 'in between the toes' thing. Then a couple years ago, I bought a nice pair (not the $2 ones from Wal-Mart) and they didn't bother me at all. I wore them every warm day for two years until they literally fell apart last summer. Now, I'm on the hunt for a new pair.
    (Love the subtle message. hehe)

  22. I sooooo wish I had pretty feet, with all toenails intact! (ew, enough said there). Thong underwear sound e en worse to me as all I can think of are thong flip flops and the level of discomfort they provide!

  23. I hate the thing between my toes. I've seen some cute sandals I would love to have, but they have the thing between the toes. Flip flops and thongs, now I feel old. I'm cool though right because I know what both things are and were?
