Friday, March 23, 2012

TGIF No More

Yea!  Today is Friday!  Oh, wait.   Fridays are not the same anymore since we got "Little Boy."  Fridays used to be the reward of my existence (sad, I know).   I could look forward to the weekend, knowing that, finally, my time was MY time and I could do whatever I wanted.  I don't need to let my boss know my whereabouts every second, I don't need to pretend to be working when I'm actually blogging - - oops, I didn't say that.   My husband and I could take off and do anything we wanted.  Or, we could do nothing at all.   And if my husband had somewhere he needed to be or someone he needed to help for a few hours, then I had a precious few hours to myself.  Yes, those were our weekends of old.  

These days, however, Friday isn't the "yippee" kind of day it used to be.  It's the "wow, we have a 6 year old living with us that we need to entertain every second of every hour of my precious weekend" kind of Friday.    It's not really THAT bad, but I had forgotten that when you have young children in your home, your time is really not your own anymore.   We raised three children, so I know.  As my son said, we've done our time.  And what a wonderful time it was.   But it's kind of different when the child is not your own.   But now is the time that I find out who I really am.   Am I really someone who can give respite to a little boy who has only had turmoil in his short life?  Am I someone who can forget about my wants and needs and put someone else first, above all else?   I hope so.  I pray so.   "Little Boy" is definitely an energetic 6 year old, but he is a 6 year old who has been through what nobody (especially children) should have to go through but yet so many do.   So, I will cease with the whining  because we really are happy that we can help him to feel happy and secure and loved for a few months.  

Time to throw off that burden of selfishness and put on that cloak of selflessness.   "Little Boy" deserves that.


  1. Lucky "Little Boy." Thanks for the reminder of what it is all about. You have a good heart, Judy, and Hubs too.

  2. I think you are someone who can forget about your wants and needs and put someone else first and above all else. This is practice for grandbabies. I don't think it selfish at all to want some "you" time. There's tons of stuff on the internet to give you ideas of things to do to help entertain and teach "Little Boy". I wish I had had all the resources when my kids were smaller. Are you on pinterest or clipex? I'll send you an invite if you'd like.

  3. I agree with Tamera I also don't think you are selfish to think that way. : ) I think that is something great you are doing for "little boy" God Bless You.

  4. This is a great post. I really like your writing and I enjoy reading what you have to say.

  5. Good luck on your weekend. He may not know it now, but someday 'Little Boy' will be so grateful for you and your husband and your selfless nature.

  6. Life is definitely different with young kids. You're doing a wonderful thing, though. Oh, and take a nap whenever you can!

  7. Yikes! I can so relate to how your weekends have changed. I remember so well when weekends were about going to the kid events and being parents. I, frankly, don't know how I did it - oh, that's right, I was hella younger. I am glad you are not just doing it and expecting yourself to be one constant happy camper about the hard work you are doing. Little boy is lucky to have you and Hubs.

  8. I haven't had a normal weekend in so many years.
    You'll do well.

  9. I hope you had a good weekend! Sharing your home and time with Little Boy is a wonderful thing you guys are doing.

  10. One of my grandsons lived with me for most of his life and even tho his Daddy was here too, Daddy had to go to work and so Mimi became Mom/Mimi.. It was exciting and exhausting. I too had those thoughts, "I did my time.." And I too thought, "What a wonderful time it was.." I questioned my ability to actually handle a little one being in my home again.. Was I still on the ball, could I still do everything that I used to do.. Well, I could, I was just a lot more tired at the end of the day but I also enjoyed this little boy sooo much more. I didn't have the financial stress that I had in my 20's. I was able to apply all that I'd learned parenting the first time around and make it much more fun.. My little guy brought so much joy and laughter and love, love, love, that I didn't mind falling into bed exhausted at night.. :)
    You will do absolutely fine with your little blessing.. I have no doubts.. Enjoy your weekends.. They go by so quickly..

  11. I hope you guys had fun this weekend. You guys are awesome for doing this!
    Praying for you too ... if that's ok.

    1. Of course that's okay - that you so much :)

  12. You guys are being truly generous to a child in need and I don't think there's any doubt about your ability to handle it and to improve his life. I also think it's only human to be a little overwhelmed at the prospect of the commitment you've made.
