Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Hunger Games

I haven't read a book in a very long time.   

My daughter and I went to the movies during Thanksgiving break and saw previews for "The Hunger Game," which is coming out next year some time.   It looked good and we placed it on our "to see" list.  I know.  What's that got to do with not reading a book in a long time?  I will tell you.  The movie is based on the book of the same name, written by Suzanne Collins.   My daughter bought and read the book and loved it, so she lent it to me.  I started it at 7:30 p.m. last night and finished at 2:30 a.m.   Yes, I'm just that fast.  And it was just that good.

I could not put it down.  It's one of those kinds of stories.  Set in the future, in a land which used to be called North America (which was obliterated due to the wickedness of the people - - hmmm).    Each year there is a national competition . . . a Hunger Game.   They celebrate it like we do the Olympics.  It's a big deal.  A huge party.  Well, except to the children who are chosen to participate (and their families).   24 children are randomly chosen to play in the game.  The game?   Simply put, the last one standing (or, not dead) wins.   I know.  It sounds barbaric.  And it was.   But I couldn't put it down.   And now I have to get book two (it's a trilogy), and then book three.

Yea for good books!!    


  1. My son actually had to read the book for school a few years ago. He went on to read the other two books. I haven't looked at them, but perhaps I should give them a try.

  2. Have read the Hunger Games, loved it, but didn't move on to book 2 or 3 as I had heard they may not live up to the first one.

  3. Well, I hope that's not the case . . .cuz we're going read them!

  4. I have heard about this book. In fact, an English teacher at my school swears by the impact it has had on her students. I can't get beyond two things: it is set in the future (never want to do future things). Secondly, I know what the competition is and I can't wrap my head around that. Perhaps my reluctance has to do with so many other books that I want to read and so this one never gets to the top but I am glad you enjoyed it!

  5. I've read all three. I wasn't sure I liked the first one because the premise of the game is so horrifying, but I couldn't put it down. Then I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I read the other two. Still not sure I love them, but they are ranked pretty high on my book list.

  6. I liked it a lot - I thought it really had a lot of food for thought and even though the premise was kind of dark and depressing, it made me think.

  7. Maybe that's my issue, Judy - real life can be depressing enough. I kinda don't want to find it so in the books i read. At least not these days. Trust me, I like to think - I do that a lot - but I don't want to be pulled down. I like thoughtful books but there is a difference between thoughtful and depressing. I don't watch depressing movies either, for what it's worth.

  8. I had a hard time "finding" you. Sebtown helped me out, but that's the kind of gal she is. I want to make an initial comment about "the box." I have a hard time even thinking, inside the box, let alone existing. It's the same as that old coloring book. I just can't stay within the lines. It's a good thing I live in NorCal, where there is a little wriggle-room. "l'll be back," he said. "Thanks for the warning," she responded. :)

  9. I bought and read all three one after the other this past summer .. I plan on re-reading them all before seeing the first movie .. I thought they were well written and far far better than the Twilight series (of which I read one book and began the second only to find it BORING and repetitive something none of The Hunger Games is)

  10. I read the first and loved it. The other two are okay, but I liked the first best. I'm looking forward to the movie.

  11. Mark - thank goodness for sisters, huh?! As far as the box thing goes, I could tell from reading your blog that you are not the box-type - yea! Far too many box types in the world for my taste!

    sebtown - totally understand you on the depressing thing - - why intentionally invite it into your life when sometimes it just intrudes on its own?!

  12. I too missed this one for a long time. Just didn't hit my radar. Then I picked up book one. Read just about as quickly as you did. Finished the last page, got off the sofa, got re-dressed, and went to Target before it closed - to get the other two. The first is the best, but they are all good.

  13. Just bought the 2nd book for my daughter for Christmas, so am looking forward to borrowing it when she is done :). Glad you liked it :). By the way, paranormalist - I'm really looking forward to more videos from you!
